wow, i am really gonna do this.
try my hand at "blogging".
actually not entirely sure what that means.
we will just have to see where this goes.
2009 is only 4 days old...
and i can tell you it is already living up to
"2009 will be SUPER fine".
in addition to creating this website and beginning this " flight blog " - i have been spending a lot of time and energy creating healthy space - rearranged my home and studio spaces and i am totally feeling energized by these shifts. somehow this all helps me feel more connected to mySELF and in turn better able to connect with other aspects of my life.
10 ways i want to begin 2009:
1) quit eating meat
2) drink more water and less alcohol
show my art more
go to more art shows
4) have one computer free day a week
5) cook more in the house
6) explore a new neighborhood at least once a month
7) spend more time with friends and family
build and maintain community
8) get more exercise
ride my bike and walk more
9) more time in my studio
10)spend quality time with sara and cats
be a good partner
and for now i will try to celebrate the movement in my life.

dearest nikki,
it been 2 years and not a day goes by that you are not in my thoughts
while i know you have found peace and that gives me some comfort
i cannot help but be selfish sometimes and wish you were here with me
love and kittens,